Art For Pirates

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Project Litmus
Project Litmus is a personal video project I directed alongside AB Saloj. In the video, 2 sirens lure you into their realm with visions of their personalities. Their goal is to lure you in so that you are trapped in their world, inside of Litmus.
The 1st step of the process was to plan, write, concept. Then, we started shooting and directing. In the final step we took our style in design, composition, and animation to create an introduction to Art for Pirates(Personal Project).
Direction: Wilson Saloj, AB Saloj
1st Camera: Joshua Saloj
1st Siren: Phoebe Phillips
2st Siren: Amanda Martinez
Lead Make-up Artist: Taryn Feldt
Song: Howling - Litmus
RETNA X Jossie Ochoa X TheGoldenKingdom
I had the amazing opportunity to work with internationally-recognized artist RETNA. His art has impacted the art culture and is considered to be one of the world's most influential contemporary artist in today's history. His murals can be seen across Los Angeles, Miami, London, New York and Hong Kong. I photographed Jossie Ochoa, winner of Miss Guatemala 2014 and founder of Mision Guatemala (an organization that helps children of low resources to have access to school supplies, hygiene products and food), for an original ephemeral piece of art that lived for one day.

Jossie Ochoa covered in RETNA signature art standing infront of a RETNA canvas.

Artist: RETNA
Model: Jossie Ochoa
Video Photo Production: AB Saloj, Wilson Saloj
Space X
Logo Intro: Animated Branding before SpaceX videos

App Updates and Goodies

Tony Arzadon: Documentary
The first stage of this project was to create press photos, we set everything up and began shooting with Ab Saloj(Photographer).

Over the course of 1 year, I followed Tony Arzadon across the states alongside Ab Saloj. As we went from city to city we immersed ourselves into the life of a DJ. Flying to Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix and Chicago was a fun and exhausting experience. After tons of gigabytes of data stored, endless walking, moving luggage and equipment, sleepless nights, the project could finally start in front of the main computer.
The idea for the intro screen was to use slow "moments"(footage) with clean design.

A portal guides viewers through a tunnel and the journey commences.

Iconic city, video sequences, for different chapters.

The final frames/credits were intended to leave a moment to breathe from the chaos of the trip.

(extra images of family and friends)

Click on the video below to watch the trailer
View the full video on youtube here:
Direction: Wilson Saloj
Photography: Ab Saloj
Motion Design & Video Editing: Wilson Saloj
Sound Design: Tony Arzadon
Camera: Ab Saloj, Wilson Saloj, Tony Arzadon